Sunday, July 12, 2009

Music Is Working

I've re-uploaded all of the music and the links should all be working now. Please let me know if any of the links don't work, or if they open the wrong music file.


  1. I'm really sorry, the website that hosts all of my music files (BOXSTR.COM)is upgrading their servers and every time I ask them about it I get an automated response. It's extremely frustrating because I've had nothing but trouble with this BOXSTR company. I would love to upgrade to something better and reliable but I simply don't have a spare dime. With my meager delivery driver salary I can barely scrape together the $3.99/month that this service charges...let alone buy records, sound editing software, etc. All I can really do right now is wait and pray that they get back online soon so I can post some more music. Thanks for your patience,
    Steven Kozobarich

  2. Hey STEVEN why dont you go to some free file upload system like DROP.IO. Their links are for free and lasts for an YEAR from the last click.

    We are all waiting for your great music.........

  3. Steven~In searching for info on Djoko Dokich, I happened on your impressive site. I have a,"Cleveland Tamburica Symphony" Croation Program radio station WGAR photo(1938). My father and grandfather were members with the Dokich's. Dad noted 23 names on the back, of 30 members.When I heard"Koliko te Volim" by Vinka, I reminisced about Dad &Olga Kolman doing the same.I have other pix/a few 78s,etc.Interested?
    And thank you for this site.

  4. Jan, thanks a lot for writing. I really would love to know more. Please send me an email at

  5. Great page(s)! Thanx!
    (Izvrsna stranica! Hvala ti!)
