Thursday, October 23, 2008

Milan Timotić

Before World War II, Milan Timotić was one of the most popular singers in Serbia. He recorded a huge number of songs, both popular and folk, on labels like Odeon and Edison Bell - Penkala. Soon after the war broke out he was taken prisoner and held in a factory near Valjevo. His marriage eventually fell apart, and although it's not certain whether he left during or after the war, he eventually decided to make a clean start abroad, never returning to Serbia. He first went to Vienna, then to New York, and in 1959 he moved to Chicago where he met his second wife, Joan Cornell. They were married in 1961 and lived happily together until 1988. Milan passed away just six days before their 27th anniversary. During his time in Chicago he was a member of the Serbian Singing Federation and made even more 78 rpm records, but this time with Marty Kapugi's Sar Planina Ochestra.

Thank you to my good friend Milan Milovanović for the historical information about Milan Timotić.

I've included records he made in Serbia as well as one he recorded here for the Balkan Music Co.

Click the photo's to listen to or download the music...

Sama Sedi I Dusmane Kune

Ravno Polje Zao Mi Je Na Te

Oj Ti Mico Pevacico

Magla Padnala

Sluzim Cara

Kad Je Bilo Nocu U Loznici


  1. Sjajno, voleo bih da vidim celu diskografiju od ovog coveka...potrazicu po arhivama, bas me interesuje sta se sve izdogadjalo u americi kada je emigrirao...pozrdav!
